Have you ever had one of those weeks where you feel like giving your computer a high-five with a chair?
For most of us, getting fired or not having anywhere to sit if we don’t prevents us from acting on those urges.
No matter how much you might like to, we all know you’re not actually going to shot-put your monitor across the office anyway.
If only there was a safe, controlled environment where you could act out your anger towards inanimate objects without fear of termination....Now there is!
Right next to Paper Street Soap Company!
Operating out of a secret location in New Jersey, The Destruction Company allows its clients to safely destroy just about anything they want using any kind of weapon they can imagine, for a hefty fee, of course.
Want to destroy a television with a sledgehammer?
That’ll be $800.
How about going to town on an expensive couch with a samurai sword?
Only $2000.
Basically if you have enough money, you can destroy just about anything you like.
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