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Gliese 518; is look a like Earth !

Gliese 5178 g The horrendous news that comes in September 2010. An Earth-like planets are thought to really - really exist in space. This is not just an illusion or a dream of all people in the world. Almost all of them identical alias similar to the condition of the earth, even to its size!. The Earth-like planet is named Gliese 581g

Gliese 581 is just like an Earth

The horrendous news that comes in September 2010. An Earth-like planets are thought to really - really exist in space. This is not just an illusion or a dream of all people in the world.
Almost all of them identical alias similar to the condition of the earth, even to its size!.
The Earth-like planet is named Gliese 581g The findings were described by astronomers from the University of California Santa Cruz. Steven Vogt.
One member of the team of astronomers, said there are conditions that support for the presence of water there. Therefore Vogt believes humans could live and settle in the Gliese 581 g.
However, several other astronomers cautioned that this finding is still too early to be trusted.

Definition of Gliese 581

This is just an excerpt from wikipedia about the planet Gliese 518 g. Gliese 581 g (pronounced / ɡli zə ː /), also known as Gl 581 or GJ 581 g of g is a planet that has not been confirmed in a group of extrasolar planets.
Gliese 581 g of red dwarf stars orbiting near the planet Gliese 581. Located 20.5 light-years (1.94 × 10 14 km) from Earth in the constellation of Libra.
The discovery was announced by the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey in late September 2010, after a decade of observation.
The study shows the planet lies near the middle of the habitable zone of its parent star, where temperatures are not too hot or too cold.
If a rocky planet, favorable atmospheric conditions could allow the existence of liquid substances, the need for all known life, on its surface.
With 3.1 to 4.3 times the mass of Earth, Gliese 581 g is considered as a super-Earth, and is the closest planet to Earth in size are known in the habitable zone.
This makes the most Earth-like Goldilocks planet found outside our solar system and extrasolar planet with the largest recognized the potential to hide the life.
Detection of Gliese 581 g after a short time looking for and at such close range to bring astronomers to believe the proportion of stars with planets may be greater than ten percent.
Gliese 5178 g
Gliese 5178 g
Gliese 5178 g
Gliese 5178 g

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